My mom was a German teenager and also raped during WWII. Unfortunately, PTS was not really known then as it is now. My mom and dad’s generation didn’t know how to seek the help they needed. She came to America through Ellis Island and suffered as an immigrant from Nazi Germany even though she became a United States Citizen. She was so proud that accomplishment. Anna Anita Hildegard Sparwasser suffered in silence most of her life because of what she lived through in Germany. My grandmother suffered through two wars as a German citizen. I hate war, it affects the children, the children’s children up to 3-4 generations.
El Horrible. Nice tag. Thanks. I need to clarify that. Rape is not a crime of sexual desire. It is a crime of violence. I am sure that objects that could reach the colon were sometimes used.
Gets worse: up to 9 million German civilians starved to death in US-run camps in the years after the war ended. Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950
I see that this is the book by James Bacque. I watched an unbiased youtube video that looked at Bacque's estimate of over 1 million deaths in the Rhine Meadows POW camps and although the official figures of only a few thousand are obviously wrong, Bacque's estimates could not be corroborated by any other sources. By diligent investigation of non official sources, it appears that between 40,000 and 60,000 POWs may have died the Rhine Meadows camps. All completely unnecessary in my opinion. Even if die hard nazis had formed guerilla groups they would not have been able to get enough ammunition to do the kind of damage that would have justified the detention of millions of war weary soldiers in atrocious conditions.
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
Charlotte D' Charlatan
The zionists are coming after me in the comment section everywhere 🤡😂😜😭🥱
The charlatan Charlotta propagandizes for the Nazis again, about your Fringe book
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
No, it wasn’t the documentary by Bacque himself, but his work was referred to in the documentary. Now that I know the title of Bacque’s documentary I will look for it on youtube and other sites, so thanks for that reference.
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
Having watched it, I can now see that the claims cannot be dismissed out of hand. Most of the 1.5 million missing German soldiers probably died in Russian POW camps. As an example, out of the 91,000 German soldiers who surrendered at Stalingrad only 5000 ever returned to Germany. I will now buy the book in the hope that it has some post war census data that might corroborate the figure of 6 million civilians allegedly allowed to starve to death during the allied occupation. This revelation shocked me more than anything else because many of them will have been women and children. In Solzhenitsyn’s book The Gulag Archipelago there was a section on census analyses between 1933 and 1953 which showed that the Russian population declined by over 40 million during those 2 decades. If we substract the 27 million who allegedly died during WW2 that gives over 13 million who may have died in the gulags.
Hello Charlotte. Thanks for asking. Bacque’s documentary certainly gave me pause for thought. I will need to buy the book to see whether it includes post war statistical analyses of population trends which corroborate his claims. Solzhenitsyn included such analyses in his book on the Russian gulags. Those showed that there was a net decline in the Russian population of 40 million people between 1933 and 1946. So after we subtract the 27 million who died during WW2 that gives 13 million who died in the gulags. As regards the missing 1.5 million German soldiers I’m pretty sure nearly all of them died in Russian POW camps. As an example, out of the 91,000 German soldiers who surrendered at Stalingrad only 5000 ever returned to Germany. I was nonetheless very disturbed to hear that possibly as many as 6 million civilians may have died during the allied occupation due to a deliberate policy of starvation. The idea is so shocking to me that I can scarcely believe it and would like to see that figure corroborated by census results or consolidated death records from the 4 year occupation period.
I haven’t read the book but the “allies” included the Soviet Union which did indeed kill 10s of millions of people from the occupied territories. I can’t imagine that this happened in the western block countries. But, history is full of surprises.
Read the book. It’s hidden history and for a reason. US troops had orders to shoot people trying to smuggle food into the camps. Camps full of refugees.
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
I heard one Wehrmacht soldier say when being accused of war crimes, "War has it's own set of rules". Based of of what is happening now all over the world, it isn't like humanity has the capacity to learn anyway. None of these terrible crimes are ok. Ever. We must avoid the conditions for them to happen.
I have faith in humanity. It's the bankers, globalists and neocons that are the problem. And , apparently, post-war has its set of rules too. Those 9 million starved Germans were civilians.
I just watched footage of the Nazis surrendering, majestic times.
All the pain and suffering that they brought upon their own people, the look of disillusionment and defeat upon their faces as they were marched through the streets of Europe.
The third Reich fizzled but 80 generations of Jews are here and thriving in their Homeland.
Recently Germany had to be forced to add Hezbollah to its list of terrorist organizations, it's hard for the bad gentile Gene to be subdued, but their Islamic deflectionism can only go so far as their females are raped their sons are anally sodomized with sticks by gangs of Muslim boys and their cars are stolen and Muslims clogged their streets demanding Sharia for Germany now.
They are deporting but not enough and not fast enough, listen to a podcast today that talked about the return of concentration camps for Europe but this time it will be for the Mohammadeans for even the gentile turns his cheek too often but Islam keeps pushing harder faster deeper and bloodier.
I’m in QLD , did spend 20 years in NZ . My late Wife was from Southland .both of our Countries are buggered because of Fascist Totalitarianism and Corrupt on the Take Politicians. I used to be on F.B but was banned (my account was Hacked)
Always some retard who's got to bring up Jews on a tangent that has nothing to do with the subject, did you wholeheartedly accept the numbers thrown out in this article of tens of thousands of boys who were anally raped by russians? Yet you're probably the same type of henpecking twat who says did that many really die despite the Nazis keeping records?
To throw out Zionism in the same sentence as communism indicates you are a retarded cunt so fuck off with that
Your imagination is running wild seeing me on YouTube all day, screenshot or it never happened as that's not my username there.
Your name is evocative of charlatan as you propagandize and proselytize for the dark side.
May the skate park that you have constructed between your ears for the happy thriving Jewish families to grind away daily rent-free continue to be fully populated with 80 more generations of Jews.
in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE.
(Borrowed from a friend)
A little more history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine'.
In 132 AD the Emperor Hadrian resolved to stamp the Jews and their religion out of existence. He sold all Jewish prisoners into slavery after the revolt of Bar Kikhba, forbade the teaching of the Torah, renamed the province Syria Palaestina, and changed Jerusalem's name to Aelia Capitolina. He renamed Israel to wipe out the national identity of Israel and the Jews.
So if you are looking to 'restore Palestine to the Palestinians', you need to give it back to the Jews.
You're hateful blatherings are transparently false you're propagandizing for the withered Reich is lamentable and provably false . Others are calling you out for being a charlatan and I'm embracing my opportunity to call out your falsity
"Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY, IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
If your Grand Mosque is built on the foundation of the Jewish Temple, I think that says a little something about who was there first.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014.
The Yanks Orchestrated the Vietnam War , and yes they knew about the imminent attack on Pearl Harbour. The Dogs of War wanted a piece of the Action. and they wanted Countries indebted to them. Unfortunately we follow the US into their Orchestrated Wars , the only plus is we fight on our own .
Please don't hate all Americans. We are not all war mongers and bullies. But what you say is true. US knew about Pearl Harbour. US took down the Trade Center. Our country was born from genocide of the Native Americans. Slavery, in one form or other, continues to this day. But please don't hate all of us. Many of us spend our entire lives trying to stop the evil greed and ignorance that seems to have hold on our country. I will never understand war, and war's aftermath. I am very sorry and disgusted finding out how the "allies" treatimed women, children and old people. Damage that lasts generations. Terrible. Somehow we have to stop thinking of "us" and "them". Somehow we have to hold accountable the individuals who are doing this. We have to try to be respectful of all life. Come to New York City and you'll find very few people who like Trump... a pedophile and rapist, a greed monger and someone who is going to make Americans really hated everywhere. You'll find many strong women, and men, protesting the genocide in Gaza and speaking for equal rights. Please don't hate us all ... we've got to do better and try to be better human beings. The US has got to do some sort of retribution for our bloody history... and it starts with acknowledging it and never forgetting it. We can be better.
There are Americans over here that really suck. Somehow they land in politics or on-line. Most of those people are seriously racist. Period. And it's a shame and you won't change them. So I hear what your saying about trash talk. Ignore them.
Healthcare.... I totally believe one should stay away from all these pharmaceuticals, too much "pain medication". I try not to take anything. And you have to be very lucky to find a good doctor here. Doctors killed my father and my uncle. They are, for the most part, greedy.
Keep the faith, humanity goes through cycles of enlightenment and ignorance. And your brother will find a place in this world.... we all have to have patience. I'm glad you speak out, your observations are not wrong.
From an American...I am sorry for the ignorant dumbed down masses that fill the streets of this beautiful nation. Most are that way because of the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto. The US is a COMMUNIST country. I have the proof.
Yes my Mother told me stories that her aunts were raped and murdered by the incoming Russian troops. She was 13 when she had to flee the Russians. Her part of Germany is now Poland. 😓
My mother, too, was aged 9 when her family fled East Prussia in 1941. She never spoke of that time, other than to say that the family was aboard one of three repurposed passenger liners that wasn’t sunk by Russian torpedoes.
Yes, I’m certain that she would have witnessed these atrocities.
I hope you have a good life, Elke, and are able to make these events so long ago in your family history as part of the woven tapestry of your evolution.
The woman in the white underwear, running and screaming is Jewish. The photograph is from the pogrom of Lvyv 1941. At least use proper pictures for your disgusting propaganda.
There weren't many Jewish women left when the Russians came. Most of them were either shot, beaten or gassed to death by the kind, cultured and civilized Germans.
My husband’s family were Jews murdered in the camps. Luckily, some managed to flee early on to the US where they were persecuted again for their left wing beliefs. My grandfather was followed and wire tapped for decades until he made it to the relative safety of England.
My family were Londoners who survived the Blitz. Both my parents were evacuated to the countryside.
It was War and war is terrible. I can say no more.
War is created by those that have nothing to lose and everything to gain for it and whoever that is and anyone related to them need dealt with in the harshest way publicly as an example to anyone that would ever even consider benefiting from making us go to war
Indeed. And now it’s clear that the Zionist neocons have their puppets Zelensky and Bibi warmongering for Christian Americans to die, fight and pay for wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Iran. I oppose these neocon wars.
The Islamic deflectionist charlatan charlotamuta bleats and blathers and propagandizes obscuring Truth and denying the atrocities of her fellow travelers.
Charlatans of the synagogue of Satan speak through Charlotte throwing darkness upon the world
Charlotte the spawn of Satan threatens to block me as I knock down her lies
"Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY, IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
If your Grand Mosque is built on the foundation of the Jewish Temple, I think that says a little something about who was there first.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014.
History is simply “what happened,” but the narratives we inherit are almost always politically biased. To get a clearer picture, either wait a century for perspectives to settle or apply critical thinking to everything presented as fact—at least 90% of it is distorted.
Doubt that? Look at the history of scientific breakthroughs. Consider Gregor Mendel, Ludwig Boltzmann, and Ignaz Semmelweis—a biologist, a physicist, and a medical doctor. Surely, they were treated with rational, scientific respect? Hardly. Mendel was ignored, Boltzmann was ridiculed and took his own life, and Semmelweis was dismissed as a madman and locked in an asylum. The “scientific process” you were taught is a polished, idealized version of reality.
And that’s science—where claims can be measured and tested. Now apply that to history, where measurement is difficult and experiments can’t be repeated—how reliable do you think those ‘facts’ are?
Think how much more innovation would have been allowed if Church led charlatans had not been suppressing the Jews who thought with all of their brain in search of true knowledge.
The curse of Jew hatred held Europe back and manifested its further Insanity with killing the Jews for surviving the plague because of their inherent hygiene advantage over the dirty pagans and Christians who didn't wash unlike the Jews.
Irrational Christian hatred kept Europe in the dark ages for centuries, after they expelled their Jews they had a 100-year war between the Catholics and the Protestants with Catholics not being welcome in England and Protestants being killed in France what a disputable reckless anti-civilizational movement it is to hate Jews.
The same Christians did inquisitions against Protestants Muslims and Jews withheld scientific progress imprisoned those who blasphemed and said that the Earth was not flat such primitive fuckery.
80 generations later the Jews have survived and continue to thrive in science and culture despite gentiles irrational hatred holding back civilizational progress
Are you on meth with your spelling errors constantly commenting all over substack promoting the Nazi agenda? Nazis like their speed along with their shtupping, I bet you don't like talking about the movie The Pink swastika and the homo sexual culture deeply infused into Germany.
Scheiss porn from Germany is inexplicably popular also.
The only successful civilian protest against Hitler were the gentile women who had married Jewish men and didn't want them taken away. Street protests filled Berlin and Munich and it humiliated the one balled tyrant so much that he gave in and freed those Jews temporarily so as to force all the inevitable shame that he would bring upon Germany through his malevolent anti-human satanic manifestation of Christian genocide.
World War II was created off the back of one man's insane desire to reinstate a fictional fatherland. The failure to rebuild Germany after the totally meaningless First World War was the catalyst for all this. Terrible things were done on all sides, but the Nazis were the bad guys, and the documentary cited is neo-Nazi leaning propaganda, not to be ignored, but to be taken in the round and in context. Hopefully if the world ever sees a maniac attempting to do something like this again, we shut it down, don't capitulate, and certainly don't align.
"no one wants such destruction voluntarily. War is created by those that have nothing to lose and everything to gain" there's some truth to this such as the first world war. But many people do want more whether we like to admit it or not. many people are bloodthirsty especially if they can demonize and villainize their enemies. War was often seen as a good thing and a trial for "manhood" in many cultures throughout the world. through the most uncivilized and barbaric like North American amerindians to far more sophisticated and modern such as the Japanese.
May the Jews continue to thrive with their healthy smiling families in Israel and throughout the world and specifically in the skate park between your ears that you've constructed for them to grind away daily, all day everyday mazel tov!
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed
Not going to read any Nazi bullshit links from you if you're not an adult enough to copy and paste fuck off with your Islamic deflectionism fuckery
You should watch the pink swastika before you fap for the night
"Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY, IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
If your Grand Mosque is built on the foundation of the Jewish Temple, I think that says a little something about who was there first.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014.
How is that Islamic deflectionism working out for you Christians represented by blowhards like you yelling at Jews in chat rooms fucking loser
horrifying at the start of 2023 -and now it's far, far worse.
3 million Christians displaced.
55,000 murdered. Over 20,000 churches burned to the ground. Thousands of Christian schools attacked, children raped, kidnapped, and slaughtered. Entire Christian communities wiped off the map. And yet, the world doesn't care. The UN stays silent. The media looks the other way. Because acknowledging this genocide would shatter their lie that Islam is a "religion of peace." Since 2023, the situation has only escalated, but no one is talking about it. How much worse does it have to get before the world finally wakes up?
the Muslims were going western but that didn't fit the bill for the Jews at the top, so they created islamic fundamentalist POWER. it was easy because they had already created Christian fundamentalist POWER in the jUSA, to control the vote. these sinister Jew fucks at the top assassinated all of the moderate Muslim candidates to make sure that only the most radical Muslims came to be in charge of countries whereas formerly they had only been a fringe. Muslims were going to colleges and universities, wearing western cloths, listening to the Beatles etc, feeling groovy, and this was a big threat to the Jews at the top and all of their evil plans. Lots of big organized programs these Jews engineered to destroy the Muslim world. I know every detail of these matters. its all extremely well documented. Alan you are clearly the loser in any debate we might ever have.
May the skatepark that you've constructed between your ears for the Jews to grind away daily rent free continue to be fully populated with happy Jewish families thriving in their Homeland after 80th generations and elsewhere in the world wherever they wish.
And may your encounters with barbarians give you the consequences that you deserve in the upcoming diminishing hours of your life
of the first four caliphs were murdered in the seventh century) has not been triggered by despair, neither by the US, nor by Israel. Islamic terrorism has been triggered by the megalomaniacal aspiration to force the Western "infidel" and the Arab "apostate" to submit - unconditionally, peacefully or militarily - to Islam, the only "legitimate" religion, divinely-ordained to rule the world.
Hamas' anti-Western priority
*According to its 1988 covenant, Hamas is a branch of the anti-Western global Islamic terrorism.
*Hamas was established by the Muslim Brotherhood, whose vision is to topple all national Muslim regimes, establish a Quran-based universal society, and bring the "infidel" West to submission, peacefully or militarily.
My friend's mother had to run from the Russians. She was 19, and when she told the story to me sixty years later, she shivered and changed the subject. What happened in Germany was terrible, but it's surprising to me that the events in Italy are almost never mentioned. Research the Marocchinate. These were mass systemic rapes and murders in Italy directly encouraged by the allies, and in terms of pure horror, well, you'll see if you look them up.
Russian terror was infused into essence of its citizens
22 years ago I was walking with my father and grandmother-in-law who was 96 and spoke little English only Russian and a TV documentary in Russian about the doctors trials that Stalin targeted the Jews with successfully killing a generation of successful doctors engineers and more was overheard from the hallway TV as we walked the hallways of her nursing home she visibly shrank and lowered her voice and said Sha, they are listening
This post has really got to you. The comments section is filled mostly with your comments. As for this comment from you... There were acts of deception on BOTH sides. I cannot buy into this story you tell. You're apologising for the German army's behaviour, trying to suggest that actually, it was the Russians all along, those poor Germans have been framed and they were actually the good guys? Really? Good luck pedalling that baloney 🤦🏻. It is well documented that the Russians destroyed their own villages when in retreat, removing use of them for the advancing Germans.
Ok. This time you make a little more sense. Contrary to how I may come across, I'm closer to your page than may appear. But you do come across as a little over enthusiastic - it's ok, I do get that, the whole thing is beyond maddening. I am open to alternative, less palatable versions of events, but I am on a constant self-check...I am not skeptical just because I'm angry (angry with being lied to 24/7 I mean). I am just trying to make sense of what has really gone on and goes on - yea I know, good luck with that 🤦🏻 I must repeat, I am not American and I do not lived in America. So back on topic. Thank you for the links, I will look at them. Some of it sounds just like a mirror version of the truth, meaning it's just another propagandised version of events. But I will look. The material from back then (pre colour TV) was heavily filtered, so how that is unpicked I don't know. But these days of social media, yes, the controllers are out in the open and don't care, they just get on with it. Thankfully, platforms like SubStack are also here...
Pointing at Zionism as a problem indicates you have a derangement syndrome whether it's Jewish or Israel not my problem but therefore thus you are an Islamic deflectionist therefore not objective therefore your agenda has been pointed out as a German promotionalist and an anti-zionist.
Without ever mentioning Islam, without which the final solution would not have been finalized. They Mufti of Jerusalem was integral to the third Reich and you're not mentioning much about them therefore you're as close to a Nazi propagandist as can be found
One point of distinction, although there were rapes committed by the American and British troops it was not the policy of the American or British governments or their militaries and such behavior was not sanctioned, including being an executional offense. Unlike the Soviets, where it was the official government and military policy for their soldiers to rape every German female they could get their hands on irrespective of age. In Berlin alone in the first year after the war ended there were over a hundred thousand abortions performed. The policy of the Soviets was to punish the German people in perpetuity. In 1984 I crossed through Checkpoint Charlie from west to east Berlin and East Berlin was in the same state it had been in the day Berlin fell in ‘45. Bombed out buildings, with the rubble still where the buildings fell, still using the same trolley cars etc. it was literally stepping back in time. The Soviets refused to allow any money be used to rebuild Berlin or even clean it of the rubble.
German soldiers also did their fair share of raping women of the populations they subjugated, however again it was not the policy of the government or military to do so and German soldiers were executed on occasion according to their assignment, regular army vs. SS for example. The regular branches of the military having higher standards of behavior for their men than the SS which used rape as a tool of population compliance but on a much smaller scale since their numbers were fewer. The German Navy even disregarded Hitler’s orders to execute POWs, the officer class of the German Navy was the last remnants of the German aristocracy and held true to their values of honor. And let’s not forget the Japanese military’s rape of Nan King and their sexual enslavement of Korean women.
The Good Guys repatriated Thousands of those Fascist Nazis Scum to go the US because they were Deemed useful. Hitler , Mengele and Co lived out their Lives in STH America. The Rank and File Germans took the back Lash for what those Evil Scum had done .
Reinhard Gehlen, the Hitler SS-Gauleiter responsible for western Ukraine (Galicia), is responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, Gypsies and political dissidents during the WW Two. He had incorporated the Ukrainian (Stjepan Bandera) and Baltic fascist in the ranks of the SS. After this scum of the earth had to flee from the Red Army, many of them were transferred to the US and Canada. Reinhard Gehlen himself became a US payed CIA agent, tasked to organise an anti-stalin riot at Ukraine which failed and ended 1956. Three hundred thousand more victims were produced under the supervision of the US.
Groupthink. Humans tend to lead (~4%), follow (~80%), or think independently (~16%). Early in the COVID-19 crisis, fear was understandable given the uncertainty. But as more data emerged, a few actors leveraged that fear, leading to extreme and often irrational policies.
Good call on noticing that picture wasn't from the 1944-1948 period in Germany.
But the post is trying to address the MASSIVE OVERSIGHT regarding heart-wrenching German suffering in the WWII era.
You're right to say that rape is horrible no matter the victim.
But the attention given to Jewish suffering from that period has not been lacking - and I think there are a number of, oh, what shall we call them, errors?, on the part of Jewish historians who have assembled the official WWII narrative.
Was there anything else in the article you cared to comment on?
Speaking of questionable numbers he throws out tens of thousands of boys being anally raped and damaged without any footnotes and then moves on like Europeans were butt banging boys what they had fresh female flesh? That's some out there shit and yet you're bringing up questionable numbers about Jews 🧐
I weep for my people. My grandparents and great-grandparents were forced to flee East Prussia and Silesia. My great-greatgrandma however stayed in Königsberg and died. My grandma’s aunt was raped and committed suicide afterwards. My grandfather never talked about his experiences fleeing as a teenager. I can’t begin to imagine the horrors they saw and felt. All I can do is honor their memory, remember them and heal the pain of losing not only their homes, but also their homeland, nation and national identity. Thank you for this post.
This report and the comments are definitely food for thought. How brainwashed, whitewashed and misinformed we have been about this. History is written by the victors and not to be taken at face value. Germany did not go to war for no good reason, nor did Japan. The ‘liberators’ were not superior beings. My father was a boy in occupied Holland. He told us never to believe all the anti-German propaganda. They were not the monsters we’re ordered to believe of them. War is hell on earth of our own design as a fallen race.
My mom was a German teenager and also raped during WWII. Unfortunately, PTS was not really known then as it is now. My mom and dad’s generation didn’t know how to seek the help they needed. She came to America through Ellis Island and suffered as an immigrant from Nazi Germany even though she became a United States Citizen. She was so proud that accomplishment. Anna Anita Hildegard Sparwasser suffered in silence most of her life because of what she lived through in Germany. My grandmother suffered through two wars as a German citizen. I hate war, it affects the children, the children’s children up to 3-4 generations.
Thanks you for sharing, Lynda
I'm so sorry she experienced that.
Thank you, Becky.
And yet any German who could build a rocket was welcomed
Yes, US put them in positions in the CIA and allowed them to continue their work in Germany. It wasn’t only rockets they were interested in.
If you want an interesting read on the matter, the "German Wife" by Kelly Rimmer - fiction but probably a sense of truth.
Thanks for sharing. My grandfather was murdered in WW2 and after 3 generations we still experience the trauma’s of this in our Dutch family.
El Horrible. Nice tag. Thanks. I need to clarify that. Rape is not a crime of sexual desire. It is a crime of violence. I am sure that objects that could reach the colon were sometimes used.
Gets worse: up to 9 million German civilians starved to death in US-run camps in the years after the war ended. Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950
I see that this is the book by James Bacque. I watched an unbiased youtube video that looked at Bacque's estimate of over 1 million deaths in the Rhine Meadows POW camps and although the official figures of only a few thousand are obviously wrong, Bacque's estimates could not be corroborated by any other sources. By diligent investigation of non official sources, it appears that between 40,000 and 60,000 POWs may have died the Rhine Meadows camps. All completely unnecessary in my opinion. Even if die hard nazis had formed guerilla groups they would not have been able to get enough ammunition to do the kind of damage that would have justified the detention of millions of war weary soldiers in atrocious conditions.
Bacque's book is about civilian refugees, not POWs.
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
The book is well documented and sourced.
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
Charlotte D' Charlatan
The zionists are coming after me in the comment section everywhere 🤡😂😜😭🥱
The charlatan Charlotta propagandizes for the Nazis again, about your Fringe book
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
The charlatan blathers defeatedly, Klafte called out
No, it wasn’t the documentary by Bacque himself, but his work was referred to in the documentary. Now that I know the title of Bacque’s documentary I will look for it on youtube and other sites, so thanks for that reference.
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
I will. Thank you Charlotte
Having watched it, I can now see that the claims cannot be dismissed out of hand. Most of the 1.5 million missing German soldiers probably died in Russian POW camps. As an example, out of the 91,000 German soldiers who surrendered at Stalingrad only 5000 ever returned to Germany. I will now buy the book in the hope that it has some post war census data that might corroborate the figure of 6 million civilians allegedly allowed to starve to death during the allied occupation. This revelation shocked me more than anything else because many of them will have been women and children. In Solzhenitsyn’s book The Gulag Archipelago there was a section on census analyses between 1933 and 1953 which showed that the Russian population declined by over 40 million during those 2 decades. If we substract the 27 million who allegedly died during WW2 that gives over 13 million who may have died in the gulags.
Thanks for the link. I will watch it in its entirety later today.
Hello Charlotte. Thanks for asking. Bacque’s documentary certainly gave me pause for thought. I will need to buy the book to see whether it includes post war statistical analyses of population trends which corroborate his claims. Solzhenitsyn included such analyses in his book on the Russian gulags. Those showed that there was a net decline in the Russian population of 40 million people between 1933 and 1946. So after we subtract the 27 million who died during WW2 that gives 13 million who died in the gulags. As regards the missing 1.5 million German soldiers I’m pretty sure nearly all of them died in Russian POW camps. As an example, out of the 91,000 German soldiers who surrendered at Stalingrad only 5000 ever returned to Germany. I was nonetheless very disturbed to hear that possibly as many as 6 million civilians may have died during the allied occupation due to a deliberate policy of starvation. The idea is so shocking to me that I can scarcely believe it and would like to see that figure corroborated by census results or consolidated death records from the 4 year occupation period.
I haven’t read the book but the “allies” included the Soviet Union which did indeed kill 10s of millions of people from the occupied territories. I can’t imagine that this happened in the western block countries. But, history is full of surprises.
Read the book. It’s hidden history and for a reason. US troops had orders to shoot people trying to smuggle food into the camps. Camps full of refugees.
Be skeptical of products promoted by charlatans
I meant Charlotte sorry
Stephen Ambrose, a historian enlisted by the Eisenhower Center for American Studies in 1990 in efforts to preserve Eisenhower's legacy and counteract criticisms of his presidency, and seven other American historians examined the book soon after its publication and concluded that it was inaccurate and pseudohistory. Other historians, including the former senior historian of the United States Army Center of Military History, Colonel Ernest F. Fisher, who was involved in the 1945 investigations into the allegations of misconduct by U.S. troops in Germany and who wrote the book's foreword, argue that the claims are accurate
I heard one Wehrmacht soldier say when being accused of war crimes, "War has it's own set of rules". Based of of what is happening now all over the world, it isn't like humanity has the capacity to learn anyway. None of these terrible crimes are ok. Ever. We must avoid the conditions for them to happen.
I have faith in humanity. It's the bankers, globalists and neocons that are the problem. And , apparently, post-war has its set of rules too. Those 9 million starved Germans were civilians.
I just watched footage of the Nazis surrendering, majestic times.
All the pain and suffering that they brought upon their own people, the look of disillusionment and defeat upon their faces as they were marched through the streets of Europe.
The third Reich fizzled but 80 generations of Jews are here and thriving in their Homeland.
Recently Germany had to be forced to add Hezbollah to its list of terrorist organizations, it's hard for the bad gentile Gene to be subdued, but their Islamic deflectionism can only go so far as their females are raped their sons are anally sodomized with sticks by gangs of Muslim boys and their cars are stolen and Muslims clogged their streets demanding Sharia for Germany now.
They are deporting but not enough and not fast enough, listen to a podcast today that talked about the return of concentration camps for Europe but this time it will be for the Mohammadeans for even the gentile turns his cheek too often but Islam keeps pushing harder faster deeper and bloodier.
I’m in QLD , did spend 20 years in NZ . My late Wife was from Southland .both of our Countries are buggered because of Fascist Totalitarianism and Corrupt on the Take Politicians. I used to be on F.B but was banned (my account was Hacked)
You should be able to get back on FB Norm
Always some retard who's got to bring up Jews on a tangent that has nothing to do with the subject, did you wholeheartedly accept the numbers thrown out in this article of tens of thousands of boys who were anally raped by russians? Yet you're probably the same type of henpecking twat who says did that many really die despite the Nazis keeping records?
To throw out Zionism in the same sentence as communism indicates you are a retarded cunt so fuck off with that
Your imagination is running wild seeing me on YouTube all day, screenshot or it never happened as that's not my username there.
Your name is evocative of charlatan as you propagandize and proselytize for the dark side.
May the skate park that you have constructed between your ears for the happy thriving Jewish families to grind away daily rent-free continue to be fully populated with 80 more generations of Jews.
in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE.
(Borrowed from a friend)
A little more history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine'.
In 132 AD the Emperor Hadrian resolved to stamp the Jews and their religion out of existence. He sold all Jewish prisoners into slavery after the revolt of Bar Kikhba, forbade the teaching of the Torah, renamed the province Syria Palaestina, and changed Jerusalem's name to Aelia Capitolina. He renamed Israel to wipe out the national identity of Israel and the Jews.
So if you are looking to 'restore Palestine to the Palestinians', you need to give it back to the Jews.
Charlatans don't get to scold me
You're hateful blatherings are transparently false you're propagandizing for the withered Reich is lamentable and provably false . Others are calling you out for being a charlatan and I'm embracing my opportunity to call out your falsity
"Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY, IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
If your Grand Mosque is built on the foundation of the Jewish Temple, I think that says a little something about who was there first.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014.
Shouldn’t have started the war!
True , maybe the Yanks want to ignore that . Where ever the US have stuck their noses the Woman Cop it .
The Yanks Orchestrated the Vietnam War , and yes they knew about the imminent attack on Pearl Harbour. The Dogs of War wanted a piece of the Action. and they wanted Countries indebted to them. Unfortunately we follow the US into their Orchestrated Wars , the only plus is we fight on our own .
Please don't hate all Americans. We are not all war mongers and bullies. But what you say is true. US knew about Pearl Harbour. US took down the Trade Center. Our country was born from genocide of the Native Americans. Slavery, in one form or other, continues to this day. But please don't hate all of us. Many of us spend our entire lives trying to stop the evil greed and ignorance that seems to have hold on our country. I will never understand war, and war's aftermath. I am very sorry and disgusted finding out how the "allies" treatimed women, children and old people. Damage that lasts generations. Terrible. Somehow we have to stop thinking of "us" and "them". Somehow we have to hold accountable the individuals who are doing this. We have to try to be respectful of all life. Come to New York City and you'll find very few people who like Trump... a pedophile and rapist, a greed monger and someone who is going to make Americans really hated everywhere. You'll find many strong women, and men, protesting the genocide in Gaza and speaking for equal rights. Please don't hate us all ... we've got to do better and try to be better human beings. The US has got to do some sort of retribution for our bloody history... and it starts with acknowledging it and never forgetting it. We can be better.
A couple of things....
There are Americans over here that really suck. Somehow they land in politics or on-line. Most of those people are seriously racist. Period. And it's a shame and you won't change them. So I hear what your saying about trash talk. Ignore them.
Healthcare.... I totally believe one should stay away from all these pharmaceuticals, too much "pain medication". I try not to take anything. And you have to be very lucky to find a good doctor here. Doctors killed my father and my uncle. They are, for the most part, greedy.
Keep the faith, humanity goes through cycles of enlightenment and ignorance. And your brother will find a place in this world.... we all have to have patience. I'm glad you speak out, your observations are not wrong.
From an American...I am sorry for the ignorant dumbed down masses that fill the streets of this beautiful nation. Most are that way because of the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto. The US is a COMMUNIST country. I have the proof.
And as for the military?
Link won't work for me. SURPRISE!!
Yes my Mother told me stories that her aunts were raped and murdered by the incoming Russian troops. She was 13 when she had to flee the Russians. Her part of Germany is now Poland. 😓
Dear Elke
My mother, too, was aged 9 when her family fled East Prussia in 1941. She never spoke of that time, other than to say that the family was aboard one of three repurposed passenger liners that wasn’t sunk by Russian torpedoes.
Yes, I’m certain that she would have witnessed these atrocities.
I hope you have a good life, Elke, and are able to make these events so long ago in your family history as part of the woven tapestry of your evolution.
May your heart heal.
The very best of everything to you
The woman in the white underwear, running and screaming is Jewish. The photograph is from the pogrom of Lvyv 1941. At least use proper pictures for your disgusting propaganda.
Yes, I was informed of that. But two wrongs don't make a right. It's not propaganda
It is once you use wrong pictures…
There weren't many Jewish women left when the Russians came. Most of them were either shot, beaten or gassed to death by the kind, cultured and civilized Germans.
Bist du etwa... dumm?
It's 100% propaganda. Context matters.
it was far worse. Western troops raped German women in large numbers too.
What goes around comes around
And it’s the women who always pay, coming and going.
You know it's an inaccurate photo but still keep it up to drive your agenda? This is the very definition of bad faith. Get funked.
My husband’s family were Jews murdered in the camps. Luckily, some managed to flee early on to the US where they were persecuted again for their left wing beliefs. My grandfather was followed and wire tapped for decades until he made it to the relative safety of England.
My family were Londoners who survived the Blitz. Both my parents were evacuated to the countryside.
It was War and war is terrible. I can say no more.
Banderite pogrom?
I seriously don’t trust any history anymore
Seems all I’ve been taught is lies
I do know one thing, war is not organic!
No one would want such destruction voluntarily
War is created by those that have nothing to lose and everything to gain for it and whoever that is and anyone related to them need dealt with in the harshest way publicly as an example to anyone that would ever even consider benefiting from making us go to war
Indeed. And now it’s clear that the Zionist neocons have their puppets Zelensky and Bibi warmongering for Christian Americans to die, fight and pay for wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Iran. I oppose these neocon wars.
Islamic deflectionist braying loudly yet ignoring jihad jizia and dar l Islam
Regarding Zionists
Matthew 24:9
Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake.
Seems like a church you'd feel at home in
Jesus never did
the following:
•Ezekiel 37:21. Bring the Jewish people back to Israel
•Ezekiel 37:22 one nation with a king
•Ezekiel 37:24 Jewish people will all do the teachings of G-d.
•Isaiah 11:9-10 world wide knowledge of G-d.
•Ezekiel 37 & 47 building of the third Temple which will stand forever.
•Isaiah 2:4 No More war
•Deuteronomy 17:8-11 Jesus did not fullfil the Law. He was never recognized as a prophet or
History is written and approved by the owners of the world
The people that fund both sides of wars, decide our tax dollars go to a USAID type org funding propaganda lies throughout the world via tv media etc
Always has, 100% ALWAYS
What we know is bullshit and we’re just beginning to scratch realities now that we know the above
The Great Awakening they say
I pray it’s successful as some are so asleep they’re in a coma, literally
The Islamic deflectionist charlatan charlotamuta bleats and blathers and propagandizes obscuring Truth and denying the atrocities of her fellow travelers.
Charlatans of the synagogue of Satan speak through Charlotte throwing darkness upon the world
Charlotte the spawn of Satan threatens to block me as I knock down her lies
"Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY, IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
If your Grand Mosque is built on the foundation of the Jewish Temple, I think that says a little something about who was there first.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014.
How many will the Muslims take down as they attempt to enact a caliphate?
Yet another Islamic deflectionist
History is simply “what happened,” but the narratives we inherit are almost always politically biased. To get a clearer picture, either wait a century for perspectives to settle or apply critical thinking to everything presented as fact—at least 90% of it is distorted.
Doubt that? Look at the history of scientific breakthroughs. Consider Gregor Mendel, Ludwig Boltzmann, and Ignaz Semmelweis—a biologist, a physicist, and a medical doctor. Surely, they were treated with rational, scientific respect? Hardly. Mendel was ignored, Boltzmann was ridiculed and took his own life, and Semmelweis was dismissed as a madman and locked in an asylum. The “scientific process” you were taught is a polished, idealized version of reality.
And that’s science—where claims can be measured and tested. Now apply that to history, where measurement is difficult and experiments can’t be repeated—how reliable do you think those ‘facts’ are?
Think how much more innovation would have been allowed if Church led charlatans had not been suppressing the Jews who thought with all of their brain in search of true knowledge.
The curse of Jew hatred held Europe back and manifested its further Insanity with killing the Jews for surviving the plague because of their inherent hygiene advantage over the dirty pagans and Christians who didn't wash unlike the Jews.
Irrational Christian hatred kept Europe in the dark ages for centuries, after they expelled their Jews they had a 100-year war between the Catholics and the Protestants with Catholics not being welcome in England and Protestants being killed in France what a disputable reckless anti-civilizational movement it is to hate Jews.
The same Christians did inquisitions against Protestants Muslims and Jews withheld scientific progress imprisoned those who blasphemed and said that the Earth was not flat such primitive fuckery.
80 generations later the Jews have survived and continue to thrive in science and culture despite gentiles irrational hatred holding back civilizational progress
Pacelebrates 👀😂😜
Are you on meth with your spelling errors constantly commenting all over substack promoting the Nazi agenda? Nazis like their speed along with their shtupping, I bet you don't like talking about the movie The Pink swastika and the homo sexual culture deeply infused into Germany.
Scheiss porn from Germany is inexplicably popular also.
The only successful civilian protest against Hitler were the gentile women who had married Jewish men and didn't want them taken away. Street protests filled Berlin and Munich and it humiliated the one balled tyrant so much that he gave in and freed those Jews temporarily so as to force all the inevitable shame that he would bring upon Germany through his malevolent anti-human satanic manifestation of Christian genocide.
Found out a 54 year old healthy athletic man died of heart attack just awhile ago
So I’m more pissed, again
No mention of vax of course
No, can’t do that, as the asleep stay in their comas
Oh well gotta go to a meeting with a 25 year old kid having ticks of head and seizures and watch it for another hour
World War II was created off the back of one man's insane desire to reinstate a fictional fatherland. The failure to rebuild Germany after the totally meaningless First World War was the catalyst for all this. Terrible things were done on all sides, but the Nazis were the bad guys, and the documentary cited is neo-Nazi leaning propaganda, not to be ignored, but to be taken in the round and in context. Hopefully if the world ever sees a maniac attempting to do something like this again, we shut it down, don't capitulate, and certainly don't align.
"no one wants such destruction voluntarily. War is created by those that have nothing to lose and everything to gain" there's some truth to this such as the first world war. But many people do want more whether we like to admit it or not. many people are bloodthirsty especially if they can demonize and villainize their enemies. War was often seen as a good thing and a trial for "manhood" in many cultures throughout the world. through the most uncivilized and barbaric like North American amerindians to far more sophisticated and modern such as the Japanese.
Complete reversal of the truth is the JEW WORLD ORDER of the day.
May the Jews continue to thrive with their healthy smiling families in Israel and throughout the world and specifically in the skate park between your ears that you've constructed for them to grind away daily, all day everyday mazel tov!
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed
Not going to read any Nazi bullshit links from you if you're not an adult enough to copy and paste fuck off with your Islamic deflectionism fuckery
You should watch the pink swastika before you fap for the night
"Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY, IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
If your Grand Mosque is built on the foundation of the Jewish Temple, I think that says a little something about who was there first.
Yasser Arafat himself said in his biography that "The Palestinians have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them an identity through conflict with Israel "
"Half of us Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis " Statement by Fathi Hammad, Member of the Hamas political bureau and interior minister in the Gaza strip from 2009 to 2014.
I bet you have zero DNA from the middle east.
How is that Islamic deflectionism working out for you Christians represented by blowhards like you yelling at Jews in chat rooms fucking loser
horrifying at the start of 2023 -and now it's far, far worse.
3 million Christians displaced.
55,000 murdered. Over 20,000 churches burned to the ground. Thousands of Christian schools attacked, children raped, kidnapped, and slaughtered. Entire Christian communities wiped off the map. And yet, the world doesn't care. The UN stays silent. The media looks the other way. Because acknowledging this genocide would shatter their lie that Islam is a "religion of peace." Since 2023, the situation has only escalated, but no one is talking about it. How much worse does it have to get before the world finally wakes up?
the Muslims were going western but that didn't fit the bill for the Jews at the top, so they created islamic fundamentalist POWER. it was easy because they had already created Christian fundamentalist POWER in the jUSA, to control the vote. these sinister Jew fucks at the top assassinated all of the moderate Muslim candidates to make sure that only the most radical Muslims came to be in charge of countries whereas formerly they had only been a fringe. Muslims were going to colleges and universities, wearing western cloths, listening to the Beatles etc, feeling groovy, and this was a big threat to the Jews at the top and all of their evil plans. Lots of big organized programs these Jews engineered to destroy the Muslim world. I know every detail of these matters. its all extremely well documented. Alan you are clearly the loser in any debate we might ever have.
brainwashed hasbara RETART. lets go to the video tape for some Jewpedia editing.
May the skatepark that you've constructed between your ears for the Jews to grind away daily rent free continue to be fully populated with happy Jewish families thriving in their Homeland after 80th generations and elsewhere in the world wherever they wish.
And may your encounters with barbarians give you the consequences that you deserve in the upcoming diminishing hours of your life
*The fourteen-centuries-old
Islamic terrorism (e.g., three
of the first four caliphs were murdered in the seventh century) has not been triggered by despair, neither by the US, nor by Israel. Islamic terrorism has been triggered by the megalomaniacal aspiration to force the Western "infidel" and the Arab "apostate" to submit - unconditionally, peacefully or militarily - to Islam, the only "legitimate" religion, divinely-ordained to rule the world.
Hamas' anti-Western priority
*According to its 1988 covenant, Hamas is a branch of the anti-Western global Islamic terrorism.
*Hamas was established by the Muslim Brotherhood, whose vision is to topple all national Muslim regimes, establish a Quran-based universal society, and bring the "infidel" West to submission, peacefully or militarily.
*Hamas is heavily assisted by Iran's
My friend's mother had to run from the Russians. She was 19, and when she told the story to me sixty years later, she shivered and changed the subject. What happened in Germany was terrible, but it's surprising to me that the events in Italy are almost never mentioned. Research the Marocchinate. These were mass systemic rapes and murders in Italy directly encouraged by the allies, and in terms of pure horror, well, you'll see if you look them up.
Russian terror was infused into essence of its citizens
22 years ago I was walking with my father and grandmother-in-law who was 96 and spoke little English only Russian and a TV documentary in Russian about the doctors trials that Stalin targeted the Jews with successfully killing a generation of successful doctors engineers and more was overheard from the hallway TV as we walked the hallways of her nursing home she visibly shrank and lowered her voice and said Sha, they are listening
This post has really got to you. The comments section is filled mostly with your comments. As for this comment from you... There were acts of deception on BOTH sides. I cannot buy into this story you tell. You're apologising for the German army's behaviour, trying to suggest that actually, it was the Russians all along, those poor Germans have been framed and they were actually the good guys? Really? Good luck pedalling that baloney 🤦🏻. It is well documented that the Russians destroyed their own villages when in retreat, removing use of them for the advancing Germans.
Ok. This time you make a little more sense. Contrary to how I may come across, I'm closer to your page than may appear. But you do come across as a little over enthusiastic - it's ok, I do get that, the whole thing is beyond maddening. I am open to alternative, less palatable versions of events, but I am on a constant self-check...I am not skeptical just because I'm angry (angry with being lied to 24/7 I mean). I am just trying to make sense of what has really gone on and goes on - yea I know, good luck with that 🤦🏻 I must repeat, I am not American and I do not lived in America. So back on topic. Thank you for the links, I will look at them. Some of it sounds just like a mirror version of the truth, meaning it's just another propagandised version of events. But I will look. The material from back then (pre colour TV) was heavily filtered, so how that is unpicked I don't know. But these days of social media, yes, the controllers are out in the open and don't care, they just get on with it. Thankfully, platforms like SubStack are also here...
Pointing at Zionism as a problem indicates you have a derangement syndrome whether it's Jewish or Israel not my problem but therefore thus you are an Islamic deflectionist therefore not objective therefore your agenda has been pointed out as a German promotionalist and an anti-zionist.
Without ever mentioning Islam, without which the final solution would not have been finalized. They Mufti of Jerusalem was integral to the third Reich and you're not mentioning much about them therefore you're as close to a Nazi propagandist as can be found
One point of distinction, although there were rapes committed by the American and British troops it was not the policy of the American or British governments or their militaries and such behavior was not sanctioned, including being an executional offense. Unlike the Soviets, where it was the official government and military policy for their soldiers to rape every German female they could get their hands on irrespective of age. In Berlin alone in the first year after the war ended there were over a hundred thousand abortions performed. The policy of the Soviets was to punish the German people in perpetuity. In 1984 I crossed through Checkpoint Charlie from west to east Berlin and East Berlin was in the same state it had been in the day Berlin fell in ‘45. Bombed out buildings, with the rubble still where the buildings fell, still using the same trolley cars etc. it was literally stepping back in time. The Soviets refused to allow any money be used to rebuild Berlin or even clean it of the rubble.
German soldiers also did their fair share of raping women of the populations they subjugated, however again it was not the policy of the government or military to do so and German soldiers were executed on occasion according to their assignment, regular army vs. SS for example. The regular branches of the military having higher standards of behavior for their men than the SS which used rape as a tool of population compliance but on a much smaller scale since their numbers were fewer. The German Navy even disregarded Hitler’s orders to execute POWs, the officer class of the German Navy was the last remnants of the German aristocracy and held true to their values of honor. And let’s not forget the Japanese military’s rape of Nan King and their sexual enslavement of Korean women.
Thank you for the info.
Utter bs. On so many levels that there is no point even to list the arguments. You're just a nut russophobe.
God, put an end to this evil satanic world.
“The good guys won”
The Good Guys repatriated Thousands of those Fascist Nazis Scum to go the US because they were Deemed useful. Hitler , Mengele and Co lived out their Lives in STH America. The Rank and File Germans took the back Lash for what those Evil Scum had done .
Reinhard Gehlen, the Hitler SS-Gauleiter responsible for western Ukraine (Galicia), is responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews, Poles, Gypsies and political dissidents during the WW Two. He had incorporated the Ukrainian (Stjepan Bandera) and Baltic fascist in the ranks of the SS. After this scum of the earth had to flee from the Red Army, many of them were transferred to the US and Canada. Reinhard Gehlen himself became a US payed CIA agent, tasked to organise an anti-stalin riot at Ukraine which failed and ended 1956. Three hundred thousand more victims were produced under the supervision of the US.
What makes masses of people turn into murderers and rapists?
This is a question that needs an answer.
Ideology, envy, and hatred - particularly hatred of white Europeans.
Groupthink. Humans tend to lead (~4%), follow (~80%), or think independently (~16%). Early in the COVID-19 crisis, fear was understandable given the uncertainty. But as more data emerged, a few actors leveraged that fear, leading to extreme and often irrational policies.
Yes the Yanks must be proud of the Death and Misery that they have Caused .
the 3rd to bottom pic is actually a jew being attacked.
Ok. Soon after the rapes and murders begin everyone is fair game
Rape is horrible no matter the victim.
I recognize the pic because my family comes from that village.
Good call on noticing that picture wasn't from the 1944-1948 period in Germany.
But the post is trying to address the MASSIVE OVERSIGHT regarding heart-wrenching German suffering in the WWII era.
You're right to say that rape is horrible no matter the victim.
But the attention given to Jewish suffering from that period has not been lacking - and I think there are a number of, oh, what shall we call them, errors?, on the part of Jewish historians who have assembled the official WWII narrative.
Was there anything else in the article you cared to comment on?
Speaking of questionable numbers he throws out tens of thousands of boys being anally raped and damaged without any footnotes and then moves on like Europeans were butt banging boys what they had fresh female flesh? That's some out there shit and yet you're bringing up questionable numbers about Jews 🧐
More proof why war sucks. As if we needed any..
Indeed one of the most sickening displays in our history.
I weep for my people. My grandparents and great-grandparents were forced to flee East Prussia and Silesia. My great-greatgrandma however stayed in Königsberg and died. My grandma’s aunt was raped and committed suicide afterwards. My grandfather never talked about his experiences fleeing as a teenager. I can’t begin to imagine the horrors they saw and felt. All I can do is honor their memory, remember them and heal the pain of losing not only their homes, but also their homeland, nation and national identity. Thank you for this post.
This report and the comments are definitely food for thought. How brainwashed, whitewashed and misinformed we have been about this. History is written by the victors and not to be taken at face value. Germany did not go to war for no good reason, nor did Japan. The ‘liberators’ were not superior beings. My father was a boy in occupied Holland. He told us never to believe all the anti-German propaganda. They were not the monsters we’re ordered to believe of them. War is hell on earth of our own design as a fallen race.
Thank you Elizibeth