It began in 1944 as Russian troops began the blitz toward Berlin from the east and the Allies were charging in from the west. Every town was defenseless. The men had been gone for years. Most were dead or in POW camps.
The women were the spoils of war. This has happened in every war since ancient Rome.
Below, every soldier in the photo has seen the horrors and heard the cries for help, and everyone is smiling.
Women were not only raped, they were beaten.
Severely beaten
These towns were women, children, and old men.
Of course, the grandparents and children valiantly tried to protect their mothers, daughters, and granddaughters. But they were beaten down and often shot.
The woman’s head is under the black hole. Her leg is on the white.
Raped, starved, beaten, and forced to eat Pictures of Hitler
It wasn’t just women who were raped. Tens of thousands of young boys were raped too. Tens of thousands of young boys' rectums and anuses were ripped apart. No soldier or doctor to save them. Infections led to death. Their mothers tried to comfort them between the rapes and beatings.
Millions of children were born from these atrocities.
This went on in Berlin until 1948. The US, England, and Russian troops were all there for four years. Four years of open season for raping, beatings, and murder. Do you know what else was going on in Berlin?
The Nuremberg Trials
Over one million German civilians were sent to Siberian work camps by the Russians on the march to Berlin. And over one million German POWs. 90% were worked, beaten, and starved to death.
400,000 POWs were sent to England to work for reparations. America sent another 400,000 to work in America for reparations. The Germans were held in England until 1948. The Germans were held in America until 1950.
See the Documentary Hellstrom The Murder and Rape of Germany and Germans.
I know it’s depressing. There is so much more, but I can’t continue.
Gene Bray
My mom was a German teenager and also raped during WWII. Unfortunately, PTS was not really known then as it is now. My mom and dad’s generation didn’t know how to seek the help they needed. She came to America through Ellis Island and suffered as an immigrant from Nazi Germany even though she became a United States Citizen. She was so proud that accomplishment. Anna Anita Hildegard Sparwasser suffered in silence most of her life because of what she lived through in Germany. My grandmother suffered through two wars as a German citizen. I hate war, it affects the children, the children’s children up to 3-4 generations.
El Horrible. Nice tag. Thanks. I need to clarify that. Rape is not a crime of sexual desire. It is a crime of violence. I am sure that objects that could reach the colon were sometimes used.