Wow. What an awesome article.

Medicine has strayed so far now from anything resembling a true course, based on true knowledge.

I read a BMJ piece recently that posited that (in addition to extreme amounts of injected toxins) the other reason for the explosion in Autism over these last few decades, may be modern birthing practices, especially the practice of immediately clamping &/or cutting the umbilical cord, depriving the brain of oxygen (in addition to everything else the cord is supplying).


I'm convinced a large majority of doctors (Obstetricians and Paediatricians particularly) have no idea what they're doing.

It just took Covid to make it blindingly obvious.

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Yes, they don't know what they are doing. I worked in a big hospital and asked over 100 pediatric doctors and nurses what's in the vaccines. Not 1 knew. And only 1 cared.

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I am glad one person cared. That would have been me, I hope! 🙌 Beautiful article. Quite compelling.

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I do believe autism stems from heavy metals in the brain courtesy of all the injections the child has received in his first two years of life.

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Happened to my son watched him change

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I’m so sorry! 😢

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I wish I could go back in time and change everything. Thank you for sharing this, I am sharing this with our daughter who is recently married so she will have the truth before they start a family💕

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Great to hear. Yes, we all wish we could go back.

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OMG!!! Gene, I'm 69. I'm going to be 70 in June. I'm what is typically called a BAMF. You know what that is? Bad Ass Mother Fucker. The kind of guy you really don't want to fuck with. You sir stirred me so hard with this story that tears ran down my cheeks. When I read the part about the circumcision and what it does hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. WHY? Because none of the rest of the first Jr. story was something I could relate to. All four of my sons were born at home. All four of my sons never had one stinking lousy needle stuck in them EVER. All four of my sons were homeschooled. So you see, I didn't do too bad. But you know what? My stupid belief in the 8th day circumcision that is spoken of in the Bible was my one failing. I had all four of my sons on the 8th day MUTILATED because of my ignorant foolish asinine belief at the time that I was supposed to do that as a sign to "God" that my children were "his". So frankly what I'm saying is that when I read your description this huge feeling of abject guilt overtook my very being and I said WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT? WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH ME??? and the tears began to flow. Damn you have a talent that I've very seldom seen or read. Keep it going my man. And on the lighter side, I was told the other day I looked 55 by a guy at the gym. And no, he wasn't gay. LOL! Jus Meum Tuebor

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Amen. It’s awful. And I understand also that “Vitamin K” is routinely injected, in order to force the baby’s body into producing the amount of platelets needed to stem the bleeding caused by circumcision. We aren’t born with enough “Vitamin K” because we aren’t meant to immediately have our genitalia mutilated.. 2 minutes after we have been ripped into this world.

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Circumcision Its insanity.

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Not only that but the blood is supposed to flow more freely to allow for the cord blood with all the good immune stuff in it to go from placenta (mom) to baby. Clamping and cutting instantly isn’t good for baby. That’s why midwives typically delay cord clamping. The vitamin K increases on its own when it’s supposed to.

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Slayed. Weeping for the reality of my experience. But thankful for the last words and the promise of forgiveness and healing.

Beautiful, powerful piece.

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Thank you Sandra. What a fantastic comment. From your keypad to my heart

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I shared it with my nieces and daughters, my sisters.

We did what we knew at the time. But oh how I’d do it differently now.

And pray for each new precious life coming.

Again, thank you.

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This is so beautifully written. Thank you.

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You are welcome, Marcella. The truth is deep and beautiful.

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Beautiful writing. Thank you so much for this and for the reminder to ask forgiveness at the end. I pray this piece spreads far and wide; that many believe and are blessed by it.

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Your welcome.

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My Mum gave birth to me at home. (I’m old)

The only people there were the midwife, my Dad and my great Uncle who was the first to hold me. As the midwife tended Mum and cleaned up, Uncle Pete held me up to the bedroom window and told me “Welcome to the world, wee one.”

I had my three daughters in hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland. By that time it was like a conveyor belt. The nurses were on the whole wonderful, the doctors impersonal (yes, I get why) and distant even in the face of genuine concerns. Couldn’t get me out of there quick enough. I was three days and nights in labour with my last child. The doctor, impatient, made me lie down on the bed as he took a giant “crochet hook” (sorry, no idea what it is actually called) to the inside of my womb to see if that would encourage birth.

It did and I haemorraged almost to death.

If I could do my life over again, all three children would be born at home. If for no other reason than to avoid having them, as they did with every birth, removed from the room ostensibly to undergo the Apgar test, but given they could have easily done that in front of me, I no longer believe that is the sole reason babies are taken immediately after birth from the sight of the mother.

I wouldn’t trust the medical establishment now in any way, shape or form.

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That’s awful! I’m sorry you experienced that.

My one daughter had her first 3 in hospital, and last two at home. She said it was a much better experience, like night and day. We prepared, had the items necessary to do the vitals, (required for paperwork), and a scale, everything so nothing would be missing, and of course, she took them to a pediatrician with the first couple of days, (also required).

The bigger issue here in the states, because they don’t like people doing ANYTHING without their intervention, is getting a birth certificate after an unassisted home birth. It’s a lot of paperwork and jumping through hoops from the moment you know you’re pregnant to after the birth. (Hence the prep and dr appt mentioned above.)

Without the birth certificate and social security number, the kids couldn’t be claimed on their taxes, (or they wouldn’t even bother because they dislike the entire apparatus of enslavement—which is what it boils down to) and honestly, the govt could say there’s no proof these are really your kids, and I don’t trust the government AT ALL, so unfortunately you have to go through at least part of the system to even secure things for your own benefit and safety of your children.

I used to work in medicine, as an OR scrub nurse, and now, I don’t trust the system. At this point, I feel like everything is a scam. At the very least, extremely flawed.

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Quite a beautiful piece! And the look on Junior's face is classic! A newborn is now 2 months old in the eyes!

To top it off, the hospital Jr. gets a Birth Certificate saying he's the property of the state. And the home birth certificate, out-of-the-hospital Jr. getoa 'square' Birth Certificate that says no such thing. He is truly born free.

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Brought tears to my eyes and I’m a Great Grandma of seven! Thank you for such a beautiful article.

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Wow. You're welcome Nancy

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No wonder that baby looks pissed.

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Aint that amazing?

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It’s all good and well to birth full natural- if nothing goes wrong!! But it can, and often does go wrong for both mother and baby. It’s at that point one ought to be super thankful to live in a western society with access to all the interventions of western medicine- like emergency C-sections, for instance. Up to the 1920’s the average male life expectancy was 58, female life expectancy was only 27- why? Because of death in childbirth! You guys obviously have no idea what it’s like to live in a place like Africa where hundreds of mums and babies die horribly because you cannot afford or even get transport to a hospital because there is no ambulance service or there is no hospital in your province that is adequately staffed or equipped, or there is no electricity to run the hospital while you are having your baby. Advances in medical procedures have saved millions of babies & mums. Choosing to be induced, take epidurals, do circumcision, the vaccines- there are nuances to everything and every choice that new parents make. This rather cynical article requires critical thinking to be applied before sharing with the next generation.

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Being induced because they want to get this over with starts a cascade of bad things to happen. I think anyway

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Inducing is often for convenience: you are right! It shortens overall time for the whole process- and, like other procedures this article points out- medical inducing with drugs is usually pushed on full term mums so the doctor can be certain they can go play golf or go on vacay!? Mums will often agree though, because they just want to get having the baby over & done with with as well !

However, there is also natural inducing: like your doctor sneakily conducting an 'internal examination' just before your due date or, a caring doctor might wink at parents and recommend the (more fun? and) natural way aka, ahem, 'having relations' just before or after due date... that, too is known to bring on the birth ?!

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I tried all of that stuff with my first two daughters. Nothing worked. My first was 15 days past due and my second was 7 days past due. I am sure that I would have died in childbirth on my first daughter without modern medical intervention, so I understand nuances on both sides of this. The interventions of modern medecine are cold, sterile and often unnecessary. But not always. Childbirth has always been a risky business...

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If emergency measures are required, then yes, it’s great to have them available! Less needed, though, in situations in which the mothers are fundamentally healthy and well nourished, overall hygiene is better and many potential issues can be detected and treated early. Also, fewer problems when women are allowed to assume more natural positions for giving birth than lying flat on their backs.

Never heard of a baby needing emergency circumcision or vaccines at birth.

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I'd like to hear about the unnatural positions

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Thank you, Bumblebee, for sticking up for me.

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Well, it’s usually not a matter of “either/or”. Each type of medicine or health practice has its pluses and minuses. The issue with Western medicine, IMO, is that post-Rockefeller, it seeks to destroy all other approaches because it re-orients medicine from a healing enterprise to a business enterprise. But it DOES offer some superior treatments, particularly in surgery. The real problem, as I see it, is a combination of mission creep and paternalism. Everything must be treated as a worst-case scenario with max force applied, because that’s most paternalistic as well as most profitable.

What if the cultural emphasis were on superior nutrition and for women of childbearing age, combined with an overall societal ethic of good hygiene? What if we recommended flower essences, Reiki and other energy therapies to help women prepare for childbirth and motherhood? Simply correcting a woman’s posture could likely do wonders for making giving birth -and probably getting through pregnancy in general - much easier. And most women have decidedly sub-optimal posture!

Speaking of which, if you read biographies and accounts of birthing practices among native and aboriginal peoples, they used a wide variety of birthing postures. Among some peoples, the woman commonly held onto a pole and squatted. Among others, the woman sat on the ground and pushed her feet against a log or box nailed into the ground. Still others had the woman kneel over a log or pile of blankets and give birth in the position of most four-legged mammals. I’m sure here were other conventions, too.

Breech birth was one of the most common and deadly problems faced by women before the modern era. That’s a problem made less dangerous by the western approach, although I HAVE personally heard of cases solved by timely application of skilled Reiki energy intervention. So, is that not worth looking into?

I think that throwing out any form of medical

approach is putting ideology ahead of data, and that’s never good. On the other hand, we have the blessing today of having access to almost every form of medical knowledge and practice ever conceived, so why should we blindly rely on one particular way of doing things, especially when it tends to be harsh, interventionist and purely mechanistic? Should we do it just because is what we’re conditioned to, and it makes money for the shareholders? I don’t oppose using it if necessary, I just question how often it’s necessary if we start by availing ourselves of the universe of more gentle, spiritual and life-affirming practices out there, first.

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I for one am grateful for modern medicine as my son and I would both have died in a “natural” childbirth. The NICU gave him vital support for two weeks without which he would have died. Many of the issues brought up in this article are spot on, when everything goes right, but sometimes things go horribly wrong not because of modern medical intervention but because in nature sometimes things go horribly wrong.

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Hi Doctor. At least people should be prepared for entering the hospital birthing room

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It’s too much…I will have to finish this later after I recover from the grief. I have had three children who are now adults. Breaks my heart what we’ve been duped into thinking is a good and safe thing to do. God forgive us. 😢

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Oxytocin is truly a miracle - why texting lowers it, but calling and hearing a loved one's voice raises it. Thank you for the well-written article Gene.

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This is how they killed my sister.

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Sorry to bring up sad memories

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Yeah. I didn't expect that. But when i started reading the part about induced labor, it all came rushing in...

I have a lot of horror stories from my childhood as well. Doctors took advantage of a very concerned and over-compensating single mother to treat any minor malady (usu caused by environmental factors and diet tbh) to prescribe some medical intervention, including but not limited to: injections, surgeries, and medicines. I believe i came out the other side mostly unscathed, thanks be to God. But those memories were repressed for a long time and sometimes they resurface when i research Big Pharma or read other's investigations.

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I'm sorry to bring up sad memories

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I'm also very sorry about the way your sister was murdered.

I was just praying for you earlier today, so I pray now that the words on this page ring of truth.

You will not always feel so burdened.

You will take the negative, and turn it into the positive, as you are doing! I know that some days are long days, and you just want to get through it. Other days, you live minute to minute or hour to hour.

You will need to die to yourself every day, and become alive for Christ. When you are able to palpate that eternity in the same place as your sister, that is when it happens... you attain the peace which surpasses all understanding. And the Truth will set you free!

No one can walk this walk but you, and you are already doing it.

🙌 All of us pray for you and your family, that God multiplies your efforts as He comforts your hearts. May he bless all your hearts with the continued ability to feel raw humanness, to love. And to be loved. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏

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Thank you. I am not in some great distress over the particular matter of my sister, though it is clearly a personal and family tragedy. I’m a victim of the system as well as millions of others, and the millions before me, and more to come…

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So many suffer, and I am grateful that you are strong. I hope my words help someone else who needs to hear it. 🙏 Thank you for being so kind.

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What do you mean, dear? Your sister died during childbirth? 😞

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That is correct. Labor was chemically induced and just what was described is what happened to her. 2018

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I hate doctors and nurses so much. They have caused decades of pain and suffering. Hospitals are murder factories.

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Bacon, Now I understand; thank you for the explanation and your patience with my question.

For the doctors and hospitals who kill, I apologize.

And while I can't bring back your sister, I want you to know that not all of us killed for money. Some of us refused to give medical boards charts of patients (who didn't give their permission), and prescribed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to keep people out of the hospital. I know that they can see every prescription I ordered, and since I took my Hippocratic oath to God (and not the Greek gods), there was nothing they could do to change me.

I want you to know that I helped as many people for as long as I could, and I have no regrets. And that is why I continue to fight with a pen and a spiritual sword. I hope that together, we can open more eyes to the travesty of Rockefeller medicine and I am so happy to have you in this bittersweet fight.

I pray all blessings on your efforts, that God lights your Path, and that in your fight opposing evil, you are able to also see people go to God and not man for their healing. I PRAY THIS IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

Not sure if you know, but I was in a tragic car accident with my then-2 year old daughter, T-boned at 90 mph. Sustained a ripped artery in the neck, banged the pituitary gland in the brain so I couldn't hold on to water, and gave me a traumatic brain injury so that I could not walk or talk. I was disabled and bedridden for twelve years - and then God healed me 100%, bringing me here to be with you in this fight.


They are trained robots who progressively get reprogrammed to kill in different ways. And now, they get $$$$$ for the hospital killing protocols that have made the USA #1 in the industrial world for hospital deaths. WE ARE NOT OF THEM!

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The few who did the right thing are few and far between. Less than a percentile. But the harm of allopathic medicine has gone on for a hundred years. All the while the industry has grown like a monstrous cancer in our society. In my area, it’s a particularly big industry drawing in youth seeking good pay and working conditions. They’re fully indoctrinated at school and at work to push poisons. I’ll give a pass to some who woke up. And a pass for the advancement in something like trauma and ER procedures. It ends there. All the people around me solidly believe and behave as if it’s some honorable profession. But it’s not. Not at all. It’s satanic.

I already knew about doctors and nurses when my sister died. That is just one more thing on the list of hundreds of thousands or millions that were maimed or killed by “healthcare” BEFORE COVID-1984. Now they persist. It’s not a small problem.

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You are 100% correct. It is satanic.

And carrying this one step further, we need to go to God for healing, as He is able to far surpass the knowledge of a doctor. God already knows what is wrong. We don't need a "diagnosis" from a doctor. He already knows how to make a blind man see, and what more can He do? Everything. Anything.

The spiritual component of praying with and for our patients was there for me at Oral Roberts' School of Medicine in Tulsa, Oklahoma. THAT is what they want to eliminate, the power of God, the power of prayer, and the spirituality aspects that oppose Satan and his extreme measures to kill and destroy. This is 100% a spiritual battle. And the battle is for souls, as Satan wants people to be separated from God's presence, apart from the love of Him - for all eternity. THAT is the ultimate goal of all of this, separation from God.

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I’m so sorry.❤️

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Thank you. It was a tough time for everyone.

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