There are 2 sacred words.
One is……Love
Without love, life is wasted.
Only one other word is worthy enough to stand on a pedestal beside Love.
It’s the one-word children are forbidden to say. And when they do say it, parents go ballistic. They may attack physically. Or verbally.
They will withhold their love. Give the silent treatment.
Even toddlers are forbidden to say this word. How could we be so foolish? Why are we not overjoyed seeing our baby show some backbone? How could we feel righteous fury when our children say that word to us? Why can’t we see that we are setting up our children to go out into the world and get
Slaughtered. But not only slaughtered. Probably to never fall in Love.
Have you guessed the word yet? Please close your eyes and drop down to the comments now and be honest.
Here's a hint. It's a one syllable word.
OK. Here ya go……………...NO.
LOVE and NO The 2 sacred words. On their Pedestals
A person unable to say no is unlovable. Because they don’t love themselves. How could they?
It's an easy fix though. For children and adults. [ adults are just big children ]
Just shake your head and say “No.”
Shout “No”
And whisper “No.”
Stomp your foot, make a fist, wave both hands and say “No.”
Don't stand for it.
Feel good? Feel your dignity awakening?
You must practice this dozens of times a day. It's good to have privacy, at least at first.
But if you do it in public everyone is gonna love you. Just be calm and quiet. You dont want the SWAT Team to show up.
Your NO is a muscle, which must be worked out regularly. No equipment needed.
Practice it with your children, instead of their homework. [ ok with their homework ]
They will Love this. And Love you for doing it.
Play different scenarios. You are the bully. Then they are the bully. You are the kid trying to get them to use drugs. Then they are the kid with the drugs. You are the fool who wants to stir up trouble. Then they are the fool.
So they will be ready, when the bully’s, and the drugs, and the fool’s approach. And they will approach.
But your No is worthless if it isn't backed up with…….Power.
A bully may ignore your No. But he won't ignore a punch to his solar plexus.
A blast with relaxed muscles. No, he won't ignore that.
When you are threatened, you probably become terrified. It's overwhelming. You know what that is?
Adrenaline. Your body has prepared you for the fight. Use it.
But you must know what to do. 90% of people don't. They freeze and beg with their eyes. Just what bullies are looking for. It triggers them to attack.
Don't be like that any longer. Practice basic attacks. Get them hardwired into your DNA.
The key to a strike is…totally relaxed muscles. They move faster. You tighten at the last milli second.
OK, so now when danger nears….you totally relax. What a great feeling. As soon as he gets in range you are gonna strike. No doubt about it. You have given yourself permission.
Synchronize your breath
Let your feet slide into position. Lock onto the target. Man, you’re ready to explode way through the target.
This alone may stop an attack.
If it doesn’t…
Your body has the green light to kick a guy straight to the shin. As soon as you feel like you should. You will know when. Don’t hesitate. Fuck that motherfucker. Wobble his foundation. Most people aren’t ready for that.
Two kicks are even better.
The gut punch. You won't break your hand. You can step into it or just slowly swivel your hips back and then snap forward. Your body knows exactly how to do it because you have practiced it. It’s hardwired into your DNA. It will just happen. You are a spectator. A witness to the Killer Ape side of yourself. Let the ape out of his cage. For evermore.
The gut punch is great because you don’t cause permanent damage to your opponent. Now you have an ally, not an enemy.
I learned this stuff when I was in my 30’s. I was a punk before then. I got punched and never hit back. My spirit was broken. But when I started smokin crack in NYC, I had to learn to fight. If I didn’t fight, I might lose my crack. And I wasn’t gonna let that happen.
A straight punch to the face feels like a kiss on your fist. There is no resistance. What a feeling to hit someone who got it comin’. But I learned, don’t punch a hard target. You are more likely to break your hand.
Anyway, these moves must be practiced over and over.
Then you will be relaxed. Your body will take over.
It will come naturally because the first law of nature is self-preservation. And we are The Killer Ape. [don’t kill nobody though]
Girls need to learn this too, because they fight as much as the boys. Girls go for the hair. Better teach your daughter how to prevent that. And how to get out of it. You Tube will show you.
Does your son know what to do if a guy goes for his feet? Do you? Better learn. Or go on a terrifying ride with a very bad ending. [ hello concrete ]
There's an old say when it comes to grappling, which most fights turn into…”Low Man Win”
Everyone should learn basic self-defense. Even seniors. Ever hear of Cane Fu?
These moves are more important than your kids' homework. For what good is calculus without dignity?
Of course being able to say no is helpful in far more situations than self defense. Being able to say No; is to become your Authentic self. Which is……Lovely.
Are you worried that teaching your kids these things will create a monster? Great concern.
Play act with them squashing beef. That will be fun too. The cool guy’s calm situations. With a gentle voice. Eventually you will practice squashing situations with your kids more. Thats way more fun too. Way more fun.
A gentle answer turns away wrath. Thats from the book of Proverbs.
But always be ready to blast that motherfucker. Fuck that motherfucker.
Thats not in the Proverbs. Should be though. I’m sure something like that is in the Bible. A street dude I used to know quoted the Scripture “I will dip my foot in your blood.” He was in his late 50’s and as hardwired to defend himself as you could be. I saw him in action once. He quickly and smoothly stepped into this fool, moving like a ghost. and using the sidewalk as his springboard, gave him a 2 handed opened palm blast/push, a push with his whole body, from his feet to his Atlas behind it. The fool went horizontal and airborne, and he ended up on his back. Situation resolved. And nobody got hurt.
There’s an old NYC expression …Don't Start Nuthin’…Won't Be Nuthin’. Maybe write that on your kid’s bedroom wall in crayon.
But like I said, being able to say No is essential for becoming your authentic self. And so many people have a hard time saying No. With devasting consequences. Stay tuned for Part 2
Movies prepare us for what may come our way. Denzel shows us how to relax when danger approaches.
I am grateful for my parents. They bought me a pull-up bar while I was in middle school, they drove me to band practice, and they took me multiple times to my martial arts school which taught Kenpo Karate.
Like you said, relaxation is important. The more relaxed I was in my striking or grappling the better I did.
Gene, what can I say? You said that so well. What a different place this shithole would be if parents were wise enough to bring up their kids that way. The negative ripple effects of the adsence of such upbringing is inestimable because it effects so many levels of the human experience. "Just say no." Yes, indeed.